Friday, July 20, 2007

Home Sweet Home!

Hey Everybody! Sorry it's been so long since you have heard from us but we have been so busy with the 2week team! They have a blogspot that highlights everything that went on during their time here so you can all check that out on the northside website. It's and you should be able to find a link on there somewhere.. just look for Mission Kenya!

Well, as for me (Powell), Chrissy, Brita and Rachel... we have moved back to Lucky Summer in the appartment under Euti. We have absolutely loved our time here.... we miss having all of the other mzungu's (white people) here with us but it has been great to feel like a part of the Wambua family. Every afternoon we play with the kids and Moma Joe (or Moma Christine), Josephine and Grace fix supper. It's just like we are a part of the family! We even colored pictures last night with the kids... Melissa and I drew a picture of the whole Wambua family, which included me, christine, britain, rachel and we even squeezed stepha in there! It truely feels like our home away from home here!

Since the 2week team has left we have been working at an orphanage during the day. Its an orphanage called Good Hope that currently has 50 children ranging from kindergarden to 8th grade. They have a director who is 'over' the orphanage but the two ladies who truely run the show are Moma Nancy and Aunti Emelda! They are two of the most awesome ladies I have ever met. They have such a love for the children there and truely give them a feeling of what it is like to have a family. They know each child by name, exactly what bed is their's and so much more! The children at this orphanage are very special however... they are true orphans in a way because none of them have a mother or father that is living but they do still have other relatives that are still around and that they still have contact with. They have all come there because their relatives cannot afford or are not able to care for them but the children do go to visit them once a year and they must go back with their relatives after they have finished the 8th grade. Moma Nancy has made it her job to make sure that the children are able to care for themselves and not be a burdon on their relatives. She, along with the few volunteers, have truely done an amazing job with the children! They are so sweet and well-behaved and so loving! When I look at them they are so happy and joyful but it almost brings tears to my eyes just knowing that they are missing out on having parents to run home to and have them all to themselves and it worries me knowing that they will leave the orphanage just after grade 8 and who knows what kind of situation they will be entering but i know God is definately using Moma Nancy and the others to prepare them for life and for their jouney ahead! The three pictures above are from our last day at the orphanage... but we hope to see them maybe one more time before we leave kenya!

Tomorrow we are headed out to the Bush! Euti's hometown! The 2week team made visit out there... even slept under the stars! But we are headed out there for a wedding on satuday ... church on sunday... and then back to lucky summer on monday! It should be an interesting journey but i hope we get to sleep under the stars again!!! Maybe Euti will even have a bed built outside for him again! Well, we will let you know how it all goes and we will see you in 2 weeks!


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